
Eleanor Wardlaw (b. 2002, Portland, OR) currently lives and works in Chicago, IL, making images with their eyes and hands. Their studio process revolves around the act of looking, examining the roles of looker and looked-at by depicting people and scenes with varying degrees of legibility. The work is equally preoccupied with touch; in the materiality of the surface, the interactions between marks and planes of color within compositions, and in the positions of the depicted figures themselves.



BFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago- in progress (anticipated may 2024)

Summer internship at Island Press at SAMFOX School at Washington University in St. Louis- june 2023


SAIC Undergraduate Exhibition - SAIC Galleries, Chicago, IL 2024

New Now Art Showcase - Color Club, Chicago, IL 2024

art sale at the scriptorium- organizer and participating artist - Chicago, IL 2022

Young Women's Art Show - Old Town PDX, 2021

AP Art and Design National Exhibit - 2020


"nudes" zine - 2022 - inquire for pdf or hard copy

hinges & sills (group show) - Chicago, IL 2023- co-curator


SAIC Presidential Scholarship - 2020